Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sex and The City and Consumer Culture
Question: Discuss about the Report for Sex And The City And Consumer Culture. Answer: Reading Just say yes: The Romantic-sensation of love in Sex and the City by Beatriz Oria Sex and the city, which is abbreviated as SATC is a famous show which is based on the honesty and individuality of every woman .SATC is not only a feminist show but it also contains love, romanticism, and affection. Some say that SATC is a show which mainly based on the sexual attachments and thoughts of a woman. But according to Oria SATC is not only a sex-related show as the name suggests. It contains a mixture of emotions involved in different stages of a woman's life (Daileader 55-66). In short, SATC can be called a drama which has comedy and romanticism side by side. In the show, the actual emotions of the characters are depicted openly in detail but the skepticism in the matters of heart and love are not depicted in an open format. The article written by Oria argues the point that this shows somewhat cynical view of relation and love some way or the other betrays a deep wish which is to believe in the old fashioned romance. The article also uses Beck and Beck-Gernsheim's sociol ogy theories. With all the comedies it also shows the real problems faced by a woman in the society, how she has to keep her restrained when she is in great need of company. The reel life and real life but separately explained in this drama. It proves the saying of Shakespeare that "Life is not a bed full of roses". Hence, the show points out the reality of life, that is, life is not a fairy tale where the story always ends with a happily ever after tagline(Oria 381-397). Reading Beyond the Backlash: Sex and the City and Three Feminist Struggles by Belinda A. Stillion Southard In reality, SATC is a show where it is shown that how women tackle complex problems of life in their ways. Leading life according to the society is good but being happy the way one likes gives happiness (Stillion Southard 149-167). Here in the show, it depicts how Charlott manages the house, work, and family and also give time to friends. Whereas Carrie plays a role of a woman who is a bit confused about getting Mr. Right in her life. This confusion arises in every individual woman's life all over the world. Miranda plays a role of a lawyer who is very busy and hardly has time for family and the beloved husband. This kind of problem is also a common thing many careerists women. And last but not the least Samantha, a businesswoman who is in her mid-forties but has not allowed her charm of beauty to diminish by age (Arthurs 83-98). She is always into things which are controversial in society. This character was a controversial character in the society which brought up a lot of argument s in the minds of many socialists. But controversies cannot hide the reality of emotions that a woman goes throughout her life. Samantha's lifestyle just hides her loneliness which is filled in her mind. The show left a mark that women also have some wishes and dreams in their life. Their life is not only about looking after their children and family. They also can have secret wishes. It is just like Why should boys have all the fun? type. The character of Samantha is a bold and wild one. There are controversies regarding this character but the question arises as to why a woman cannot lead a life like that of hers. Reading Carrie Bradshaws queer post-feminism: Sex and the City by Jane Gerhard We all know that SATC is narrated by one of its character named Carrie Bradshaw, who is a columnist. She narrates the story on the basis of the writings that she writes in her daily column. So the story of the other three women in the story is also a depiction of her point of view (Gerhard 37-49). Hence it can be said that the show is actually Carrie Bradshaws queer post-feminism. The problems and emotional affections are shown to us in Carries language. It does not only contain women of only one type of age but it contains characters which differ from each other not only by age but the way they lead their life. Their lifestyles and acceptance of lifes issues also differ drastically. It shows the changes of first-wave feminism to second-wave feminism to third-wave feminism. Many of the things in the show also faced social contradictions because of the free discussion of sex so openly. According to Gerhards article, SATC is all about feminism and feministic way of handling life's crit ical situations (Bradshaw 23-37). Whatever happens in their lives but when they all four friends sit together they try to solve it according to themselves. So, SATC is not only a show for the women but the men should also watch it so that they get a vivid idea of the mind of a woman. Carrie diverts our mind towards another sector of thoughts of a woman's life, which only a woman can understand. The men will never understand these thoughts. And in the society, there is a trend the things which are not understood are either declared illogical or foolish or against the law of the society. Carrie narrates the whole story in the perspective of a woman. In the show, everything is shown according to the consent and wishes of a woman. There are many aspects of womens lives which are neglected by the society one way or the other. This show had just tried to highlight the fact that women exist and their wishes too. References Arthurs, Jane. "Sex And The City And Consumer Culture: Remediating Postfeminist Drama". Feminist Media Studies 3.1 (2003): 83-98. Web. Bradshaw, Penny. "The Limits OfBarbauldS Feminism: Reà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Reading The Rights Of Woman". European Romantic Review 16.1 (2005): 23-37. Web. Daileader, Celia R. "Sex And The City (Comedy): Moll Cutpurse, Carrie Bradshaw, And The Power Of The Feminist (?) Purse". Shakespeare 28 (2011): 55-66. Web. Gerhard, Jane. "Sex And The City". Feminist Media Studies 5.1 (2005): 37-49. Web. Oria, Beatriz. "What's Love Got To Do With It? Sex And The City 'S Comic Perspective On Sex". J Pop Cult 47.2 (2014): 381-397. Web. Stillion Southard, Belinda A. "Beyond The Backlash: Sex And The City And Three Feminist Struggles". Communication Quarterly 56.2 (2008): 149-167. Web.
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